Kia ora
We would like to welcome our new Manager, Anna Fyfe who started working for Multicultural Nelson Tasman this month. Anna is passionate about New Zealand's diversity and the immense value it adds to the country and has always enjoyed working closely with new migrants and refugees, both overseas and in NZ.
Hot off the Press! You may remember a few weeks ago we were honoured to receive the "Partner of the Year" award for the Nelson region from our friends at Top of the South Neighbourhood Support (TSNS). We are thrilled to announce that we went on to win the "National Partner of the Year" award at the Neighbourhood Support NZ 2021 Awards this week. Unfortunately due to Wellington at Level 2 with a threat of further Covid19 cases, we were not able to pick up the award in-person, but we look forward to showing it off when it arrives. We continue to look for opportunities to collaborate with other community organisations in our region, so do get in touch if you would like to work with us on your initiatives.
We took part in the Nelson Connects Volunteer Expo last Saturday at the Annesbrook Church and were glad to make new contacts with potential volunteers from the region. Our Multicultural Youth Nelson Tasman Group (the "Mynties") will also represent us at the Victory Community Centre Matariki celebrations this Friday, 2 July along with our partners from Top of the South Neighborhood Support. Come and see us at our stall and snap a Polaroid picture to be hung up in a tree with your community stories and Matariki Reflections.
At the moment we are busy planning our Cross-Cultural Awareness workshops facilitated by Birte Becker-Steel. Other than 'in-house' workshops for staff and volunteers within organisations, we've planned one workshop aimed at youth in the region to be held during the school holidays, with another workshop open to the public in Motueka Community House in September. You can find out more details below about both.
After few postponements due to bad weather, we are finally looking forward to the Multicultural Tree Planting Day this Sunday, 4 July in the Maitai Valley. We invite you to join us at this fun event which Nelson City Council has organised in collaboration with us as part of the bigger "Project Mahitahi". It will be an opportunity to commemorate the journey that has brought us all here, and to plant some roots of our own in Nelson.
We hope you enjoy reading our updates and look forward to hearing from you. Keep in touch with us via facebook or email to make sure you don't miss what is happening in our multicultural community!
E iti noa ana, nā te aroha
Although it is small, it is given with love.
Welcome our new Manager - Anna Fyfe
We warmly welcome our new Manager of Multicultural Nelson Tasman, Anna Fyfe. Anna has worked in the newcomer/settlement sector for almost 20 years, both in New Zealand and London, and has held a particular interest in supporting migrants and refugees around employment issues. She spent 10 years working at the non-profit Auckland Regional Migrant Services (now Belong Aotearoa) after moving home to NZ from London in 2005 and was also on the board of the Auckland Refugee Council and a volunteer with Refugees As Survivors.
Since moving to Nelson in mid- 2017, Anna worked as an employment coach for highly skilled migrants for a local Immigration firm, whilst continuing to volunteer with organisations such as the Red Cross to assist with refugee resettlement.
Anna is passionate about NZ’s diversity and the immense value it adds to the country, and close contact with new migrants and refugees from an array of backgrounds has given her a sound understanding of both the highs and lows of the settlement process and of the support required to ensure that newcomers thrive and feel a sense of belonging in Aotearoa.
Anna is working from Monday to Thursday, so just pop in and say hi to her or contact her on
MNT at Nelson Connects Volunteer Expo
We had our little stall at the Nelson Connects Volunteer Expo last Saturday, 26 June and were glad to see so many would-be volunteers braving the rain and showing up to find out about opportunities in the Nelson Tasman region. It was also great timing to be there at the close of National Volunteer Week, which ran from 20-26 June. Volunteering New Zealand reports that more than one million people across Aotearoa say they volunteer for an organisation, contributing some $4 billion to the economy.
We take this as an opportunity to say a big thanks to everyone who volunteers for their community - in whatever form that takes.
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal". - Albert Pike.

Multicultural Community Tree Planting is happening this weekend!
After rain, rain and yet more rain for the past few weekends, Nelson City Council has finally found a good weather window and plans to hold the Multicultural Planting this Sunday, 4th July from 1.30-3.30pm at Maitai Groom Creek Wetland adjacent to the Maitai campground.
They will have a bus to pick people up from Victory Community Centre at 1pm and another pick up location at Whakatu Carpark near the back entrance of Macpac at 1.15pm to arrive at the Maitai Wetlands around 1.30pm. The bus will depart the Wetlands at 3.30pm for the return trip.
Spades and plants are provided and light refreshments will be available for you, including some delicious empanadas from "Yo Mamas" and hot drinks. We are so excited to join this event which commemorates all those who have made Whakatū their home. Please pass this message to any friends and family who might be interested.

Cross Cultural Awareness Workshops

Cross-cultural awareness and competence are increasingly important (and sought after) skills for the workplace and in general day-to-day interactions. In collaboration with our Cross-Cultural Awareness expert and workshop facilitator, Birte Becker-Steele, we have successfully delivered 'in-house' workshops earlier this year, with more planned in the coming months.
At the moment we are planning two public workshops - one specifically aimed at youth in the Nelson region and the other for any interested people from Tasman (to be held locally in Motueka). Please let us know if you would like to join these free public workshops as the availability is limited!
Cross Cultural Awareness Workshop for Youth - Tuesday 20 July at Fairfield House, Nelson.
Cross Cultural Awareness Workshop for the general public - Saturday 11 September at the Motueka Community House.
Get in touch with Ramiesha at if you are interested to join either of the above, or if you would like to organise a workshop for your organisation.
The 1-day workshop is a great opportunity and valuable source to:
- Understand the relationships between culture, cultural values, communication, relationships, and effective workplace interactions.
- Recognise differing cultural characteristics in yourself and others.
- Value workplace communication and relationship-building.
- Identify ways to further improve your intercultural communication skills.
We would like thank our sponsors, MSD, DIA and Tasman District Council for making these workshops available and helping us to achieve our aim of "Unity in Diversity".
MYNT's Youth Movie Day
In celebration of youth week last month, our MYNTies organised a movie day at the Elma Turner Library and screened Whale Rider, a kiwi classic directed by Niki Caro and famed for its wonderful central performance by a then very young Keisha Castle-Hughes.
Stay tuned for more upcoming events!
Follow us on our Facebook page.
Matariki Reflections at Victory Community Centre
Multicultural Youth Nelson Tasman (MYNT) and Top of the South Neighbourhood Support would like to capture your reflections and future hopes for your community this Matariki!
Matariki is a time to remember and pay respect to those who have passed on. It is also a time for new beginnings and to plan for the year ahead.
We will be taking pictures of you and your whānau to be hung up in a tree with your community stories for Matariki.
Join us on Friday, 2 July at Victory Community Centre. We will be having our photo booth open from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm, so come down and take photos and enjoy the evenings with our friendly MYNTies!
That's MYNT @ Fresh FM by Nikita Puri
‘That’s MYNT!' is a radio show by the Multicultural Youth group of Nelson Tasman. We have started our show in October 2020 and since, want to entertain our community with a fun mix of interviews, music and chat. The show is broadcast every Tuesday between 6 pm and 7 pm. Tune your radio to 104.8 (Nelson-Tasman)/ 107.2 (Nelson CBD)/ 88.9 (Blenheim)/ 95.0 (Eastern Golden Bay) or visit fresh fm net to listen to our Multicultural show.
We recently started a segment within the show called, “Nelson’s Journey” which consists of holding interviews with people all over Nelson who have contributed to the community and to the youth of the city in one way or another.
Last week we had a very special interview on the radio show and spoke to Aniquah Stevenson, who is involved within Top of the South Neighbourhood Support. We had a lovely time talking to Aniquah as she expressed what Neighborhood Support was all about, and in the ways in which it created a huge difference for the people in Nelson. She also shared her vision of what Neighbourhood Support aims to achieve in a matter of 5 years and how she would like to involve youth more within their work. Their goal is to provide people a platform to come and share their experiences and stories about the diverse community they live in and that they give their support towards.

Become a member

Do you want to empower other young people to thrive in an environment of diversity, unity and acceptance? Do you want to help us make Nelson Tasman a paradise of unity? Do you have children that would like to get involved with the MYNTies?
We are a group of young people between 14 and 21 living in the Nelson-Tasman region. Some of us have been in Nelson for a long time; some for only a few years. We are different in many ways. We speak different languages. We come from all corners of the globe. And we have different ideas for our community.
Get in touch with us if you require more information or want to join the group
New Zealand Immigration
Temporary Work Visa transition information for employers

On 30 June 2021, these policies will close to new and renewing applications:
- Accredited Employer (Talent - Accredited Employer)
- Labour Hire Accreditation (Essential Skills)
- Approve in Principle (Essential Skills) - note: this does not include approval in principle for other policies including AIP for foreign crew of fishing vessels.
Employers will not be able to apply for a new status, or renew an existing status, under these policies after 30 June 2021.
Migrants will still be able to apply for temporary work visas, including Essential Skills and Talent (Accredited Employer) Work to Residence visas, until 31 October 2021.
For further information please visit
Social cohesion programme to address incitement of hatred and discrimination: public consultation sought.
The Government is launching a significant programme of work to strengthen social cohesion in New Zealand and create a safer, more inclusive society.
The work is part of the wider response to recommendations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain (mosques), and builds on existing initiatives by government to strengthen social cohesion.
This week the Government announced public consultation on the latest programme of work on proposed changes to the Human Rights Act 1993 to strengthen protections against speech that incites hatred and discrimination; and seeking New Zealanders’ views about how they would make Aotearoa New Zealand more socially cohesive.
The Ministry of Justice is seeking public feedback on proposed changes to the Human Rights Act 1993 that aim to strengthen protections against speech that incites hatred and discrimination.
The Ministry of Social Development will lead a programme talking to the public about whether there are changes people would like to see to make Aotearoa New Zealand more socially cohesive, and what success might look like.
Public submissions for both work programmes are open from 25 June to 6 August 2021. Submissions can be made through the below websites.
Social Cohesion:
Chief Executive Announced for the new Ministry for Ethnic Communities
Mr Mervin Singham has been appointed as Chief Executive for the new Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, which replaces the former Office of Ethnic Affairs from July 1 this year.
The Ministry will be the Government’s chief advisor on ethnic communities, ethnic diversity and the inclusion of ethnic communities in wider society
July. Mr Singham is currently the Executive Director of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions (the Royal Commission), a role he has held since 2018. Prior to this, Mr Singham held a number of executive leadership roles at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), including Director, Office of Ethnic Affairs. Before joining DIA Mr Singham was Chief Mediator at the Human Rights Commission.
Mr Singham is considered a collaborative leader who has extensive experience working effectively with ethnic communities. The Deputy Public Services Commissioner Helene Quilter QSO says she is confident he will bring diverse communities together. Mr Singham has been appointed for five years from 1 July 2021.
Successful Myanmar Community Fundraiser
Thank you very much Nelson for the fantastic support shown to our Nelson Burmese Community at the recent Free Myanmar Fundraising Event. It was declared that about $8,000 was raised despite the rain. The Burmese community organised a lovely lunch as a token of appreciation for those who worked hard for the day.
Photos from Marie Lindaya
Matariki Festivals on the way!!
Our Matariki celebration returns!
Join the Matariki Celebration and Lantern Hikoi on Friday, 2 July from 3.10 pm to 7 pm at Victory Community Centre. There will be many school and community performances, hot soup, a Hāngi & veggie curry, a Lantern Hīkoi along the Railway Reserve, Fire Poi, African drumming and more.
$5 per serving for Hāngi or veggie curry. CASH ONLY tickets for the Kai will be available to purchase on the day.
Please bring your own plates and utensils for the Kai.
Don't forget to visit our MYNTies stall and take some photos with them!
For more information and the timeline of the event visit
Nelson City Council is also hosting Te Huihui-o-Matariki again in 2021. A variety of stalls will be available offering a diverse range of food and refreshments, as well as Māori arts and crafts.
Location: Founders Heritage Park, Nelson
Date: Saturday, 3 July 2021
Time: 4pm – 8pm
Gold coin entry

For further details go to Our Nelson
Interpreting NZ
If you’re bilingual, are you interested in using your language skills?
Interpreting New Zealand aims to raise the standards of interpreting services, and
to increase the availability of interpreters in much-needed languages. They provide free
introductory interpreter training and assessment followed by casual work opportunities to the
successful bilingual/multilingual applicants.
Interpreting is casual work, meaning that interpreters do not need to leave their other ongoing
jobs or commitments. You can simply share your availability with them and they will contact you
for assignments which you can accept or decline at their convenience.
In Nelson, their interpreters work for the hospital, medical centres, courts, police, Oranga
Tamariki and numerous other organisations. They not only get on-site jobs but also get on-
phone or on-video jobs (from outside Nelson) that can be performed from home.
If you would like to become an interpreter, the next introductory course/ intake will be early next year but you are welcome to email or call 022 412 0163.
SPEAK OUT Nelson Tasman
MNT together with Community Law and Nelson Police work together to minimise racist incidents in our community. Speak Out Nelson Tasman (SONT) provides a user-friendly way to report racist incidents. Reports can be made by the victim, a witness or support person on behalf of the victim. Reporting of incidents is important whether or not the victim wants anything done about it as it provides important information to assist the police and other agencies regarding the extent of this problem and ways to address it.
For more info, go to our website or contact us.
We always appreciate your help
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is an independent charitable organisation that ensures that ethnic migrants and former refugees settle and integrate well, and have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the wider community. Equally, we educate locals and newcomers from different ethnicities to understand each other, learn about and appreciate new Zealand's biculturalism, and the richness and benefits that a multicultural society brings. We advocate unity in diversity.
By becoming a supporter, you'll be helping us to carry out our mahi!
Your participation within our organisation makes the difference! Whatever your age or lifestyle, ethnic background or individual living situation, you can help to make the world a better place and influence the course of society. Your membership, collaboration, insights and/or kind donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work. Only a strong organisation that acts as the voice of many is capable of achieving our common goal! And only through increased funding, we will have the capacity to make this voice heard.
You can support us by becoming a member or simply giving a contribution towards our cause.

Are you an organisation or do you own a local business? You can support us by donating here:

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi -
With your basket and my basket the people will live!
Thanks to all our wonderful founders and sponsors.
Your support is kindly appreciated.