Kia ora
In this issue of our regular MNT newsletter, we have a few big news for your from within our MNT-world and many interesting information from the multicultural world around us. It was particularly difficult to make a selection of articles this month as so much is happening around us - from newly arising conflicts around the world that also affect us in New Zealand over recurring changes in Immigration Policy and updates on the Refugee Quota Programme.
We elected a new governance team during our Annual General Meeting in the past week and farewelled our manager Maria. We thanked our volunteers and performers for their help with the Multicultural Festival, we supported our MYNTies with the organisation of their Youth Movie Day at the library (Come along this Saturday, 22 May!), we delivered our first Cross-Cultural Awareness trainings of the year, and continued planning programmes, initiatives and events for the months to come.
A few weeks ago, were honoured to receive the "Partner of the Year" award in the Nelson region from our friends at Top of the South Neighbourhood Support (TSNS) who were are looking forward to continue collaborating in the future.
Last but not least, we are looking forward to the multicultural Tree Planting Day on Saturday, 29th of May in the Maitai Valley. We invite you to join us at this fun event which Nelson City Council organises in collaboration with us as part of the bigger "Project Mahitai". It will be an opportunity to commemorate the journey that has brought us all here and plant some roots of our own in Nelson.
We hope you enjoy reading and look forward to hearing from you. Keep in touch with us via facebook or via email to make sure you don't miss what is happening in our multicultural community!
E iti noa ana, nā te aroha
Although it is small, it is given with love.
MNT AGM 2021
We held our AGM last Wednesday, 12th of May, at Trafalgar Street Hall in Nelson. Around 40 people came to resume the past financial year and exchange with us on our plans for the year ahead.
Some of the overdue changes that were decided on was to change the name of our Management Committee to Board and to change our Financial Year to align with the Calendar year. Our new Board from different ethnicities and professional backgrounds was elected to to create and promote Unity and Diversity in our community together with our operations team.
The High Noon Toastmasters Nelson joined us to playfully demonstrate ways how to improve confidence in public speaking, especially for people who speak English as their second language.

Attendees joining the AGM 2021 to support Unity in Diversity

Mary, our Chair and David, our Deputy Chair, interacting with the audience requesting to share their ideas on what would be the vision of MNT in 10 years and how it can be achieved

Our MYNTies Resika, Krutika, Priya and Aryan giving updates about our Youth Group

Maria introducing the High Noon Toastmasters Nelson to the audience for the interactive sessions
Farewell to our Manager, Maria

At the AGM, we farewelled our Manager, Maria, who has been with us for the past 15 months - during a year that was challenging for many, and especially the international community. We thank her for the hard work she did for our organisation and the passion and commitment she brought with her for our common goal to achieve Unity in Diversity in our multicultural community.
We were happy to work with Maria and wish her all the best for her future endeavors.
We will introduce our new Manager, Anna Fyfe, who will take over from Maria at the start of June with our next newsletter :)
New MNT Governance Team
At our AGM on Wednesday, 12 May 2021, MNT members decided to rename the Management Committee to a Board. Alongside that decision, elections for the new MNT Board 2021/2022 took place. The new Board members are:
Mary Bronsteter
David MacDonald
Marie Lindaya
Melanie McColgan
Emma Newcombe
Anju Bathla
Dmitry Romanenko
Sandarine Savarit
Carol Morgan
Monique Dyson and Bill Dyson
Our new Board will be working together with our operations team towards achieving our vision of people of all ethnicities living happily and in harmony in the Nelson/ Tasman region.
Cross Cultural Awareness Workshops

In collaboration with our Cross-Cultural Awareness expert and workshop facilitator, Birte Becker-Steele, we have just delivered the first two in-house workshops of this year. A few more in-house workshops are already planned for the remainder of the year.
At the moment, we are planning a few public workshops for mid-June to September in Nelson and Richmond/Motueka. Please let us know if you would like to join these public workshops as the availability is limited! Get in touch with Ramiesha at if you are interested.
The 1-day workshop is a great opportunity and valuable source to understand the relationships between culture, cultural values, communication, relationships, and effective workplace interactions. Recognize differing cultural characteristics in yourself and others. Value workplace communication and relationship-building. Identify ways to further improve your intercultural communication skills.
Commemorative Tree Planting for Multicultural Communities
We invite all members of our multicultural community us at the "Project Mahitahi" community planting event on Saturday, 29 May from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at Maitai Mahitahi Wetland, adjacent Maitai Campground.
This event will commemorate the contribution that the many different people have made to the vibrancy of the Nelson community. The stories, experiences, and traditions that have been brought here over time come together to create understanding and richness to the people of Whakatu Nelson and New Zealand.
Please RSVP to if you would like to be a part of this wonderful event and need transport to the site. Don't forget your gumboots and raincoats. Food, drinks and entertainment will be provided on the day :)

Youth Movie Day at Nelson Library
In celebration of last week's youth week, our MYNTies have organised a movie day at Elma Turner library on the 22nd May for the youth of Nelson Tasman. Come along (or bring your kids) and get to know the MYNTies and what we do! Entry is free (Koha towards our group is much appreciated).
Whale rider, a kiwi classic, is directed by Niki Caro and famed for its wonderful central performance by a young Keisha Castle-Hughes. Whale Rider is also a touching, sensitively directed drama about a small Māori community seen through the eyes of a young girl.
It will be on the roll along some with games, snacks and drinks from 10:00 am till 4:30 pm!

That's MYNT @ Fresh FM
‘That’s MYNT!' is a radio show by the Multicultural Youth group of Nelson Tasman. We have started our show in October 2020 and since, want to entertain our community with a fun mix of interviews, music and chat. The show is broadcasted every Tuesday between 6:00 pm and 7 pm. Tune your radio to 104.8 (Nelson-Tasman)/ 107.2 (Nelson CBD)/ 88.9 (Blenheim)/ 95.0 (Eastern Golden Bay) or visit fresh fm net to listen to our Multicultural show.
They have recently started a segment within the show called, “Nelson’s Journey” which consists of taking interviews from people all over Nelson who have contributed to the community and to the youth of the city in one way or another. The first interview they just freshly recorded with Leslie Bandy was no doubt an awesome one, and the group is looking forward to recording more encouraging and interesting interviews further ahead. Their goal is to provide people a platform to come and share their experiences and stories about the diverse community they live in and they give their support towards.

Become a member

Do you want to empower other young people to thrive in an environment of diversity, unity and acceptance? Do you want to help us make Nelson Tasman a paradise of unity? Do you have children that would like to get involved with the MYNTies?
We are a group of young people between 14 and 21 living in the Nelson-Tasman region. Some of us have been in Nelson for a long time; some for only a few years. We are different in many ways. We speak different languages. We come from all corners of the globe. And we have different ideas for our community.
Get in touch with us if you require more information or want to join the group
Human Rights Commission study: Drivers of migrant New Zealanders' experience of racism
In the report “Drivers of migrant New Zealanders’ experiences of racism”, published by the Human Rights Commission, migrants have expressed continued institutional, personally mediated and internalised experiences of racism. Many respondents have said that racism deeply wounded their sense of self-belief resulting in fear, disengagement in society and loss of culture and identity. Many have expressed how racism led to exclusion, colonised thinking and even judgement of their own culture.
“Our migrant communities should not have to change themselves to fit into white society. Migrants must feel safe in expressing their language, culture, and identity. This is their home,” Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon said.
Migrants identified numerous opportunities to influence change and strengthen responses to racism including honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, having diverse representation in all levels of leadership, teaching a balanced New Zealand history, education, and strengthening identity among others.
“We must support our migrant communities to identify their own solutions to racism. This will empower their voices, validate their lived experiences and help them take ownership and action in response to racism.”
The research findings will also help inform the national action plan against racism to ensure it is evidence-based in its development, implementation and review.
For more information visit :
Immigration NZ - Accreditation and single work visa

The Government is introducing a new temporary work visa called the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV). The Accredited Employer Work Visa will be introduced on 1 November 2021 and will replace 6 of the existing temporary work visa categories. Alongside the Accredited Employer Work Visa, a new employer-led system will be introduced that will generally simplify the application process and make it easier for businesses and regions to fill genuine skills shortages when it is clear that there is no New Zealander available to do the job, or who can be trained up for the role.
Further updates for a big number of current temporary visa holders who are still waiting for their residency applications to be processed have not been made.
Latest COVID Updates - Thousands of MIQ spaces allocated to secure economic recovery
MBIE announced at the start of the week that five hundred spaces per fortnight will be allocated in managed isolation facilities over the next 10 months, many for skilled and critical workers to support our economic recovery. These include spaces for:
- around 300 Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers every month from June — with a total of 2,400 arriving by March 2022
- 300 specialised construction workers between June and October
- 400 international students for arrival in June, out of the 1,000 previously announced, for the start of semester 2
- 100 refugees every six weeks from July.
For more information visit :
Myanmar Community Fundraiser to support democracy
Join the FREE Myanmar Fundraising event on Sunday, 30th May 2021 - at Victory Square from 10am -2.30pm. The event involves ethnic food, mini mart, raffle, music and cultural performances.

Come along and support their beautiful culture in this time of need. Your money will be sent back to Myanmar to feed & support families that have lost their loved ones.
For more information join the Free Myanmar Fundraising event on Facebook
MNT receives "Partner of the Year" Award
Multicultural Nelson Tasman received the TSNS "Partner of the Year" award in the Nelson region. We take this opportunity to thank everyone for your trust in us and we hope to collaborate with the wider community more and more in the future. Thanks to Top of the South Neighbourhood Support for your appreciation.
Interpreting NZ
If you’re bilingual, are you interested in using your language skills?
Interpreting New Zealand aims to raise the standards of interpreting services, and
to increase the availability of interpreters in much-needed languages. They provide free
introductory interpreter training and assessment followed by casual work opportunities to the
successful bilingual/multilingual applicants.
Interpreting is casual work, meaning that interpreters do not need to leave their other ongoing
jobs or commitments. You can simply share your availability with them and they will contact you
for assignments which you can accept or decline at their convenience.
In Nelson, their interpreters work for the hospital, medical centres, courts, police, Oranga
Tamariki and numerous other organisations. They not only get on-site jobs but also get on-
phone or on-video jobs (from outside Nelson) that can be performed from home.

If you would like to become an interpreter, the next introductory course/ intake will be early next year but you are welcome to email or call 022 412 0163.
SPEAK OUT Nelson Tasman

MNT together with Community Law and Nelson Police work together to minimise racist incidents in our community. Speak Out Nelson Tasman (SONT) provides a user-friendly way to report racist incidents. Reports can be made by the victim, a witness or support person on behalf of the victim. Reporting of incidents is important whether or not the victim wants anything done about it as it provides important information to assist the police and other agencies regarding the extent of this problem and ways to address it. For more info, go to our website or contact us.
For more information visit join the Free Myanmar Fundraising event on Facebook
Work Opportunities from The Concrete Company
Full-time jobs are available at The Concrete Company , which is a local concrete construction business currently based at 58 Swamp Road, Richmond. They are looking for people who would be interested in interviewing for Construction Labourer positions with the potential to move up in the company to foreman etc.
They do not require any past experience in building but must have a restricted licence and their own transport.
The hours of work are 7am – 5pm with occasional Saturdays.
If you think you are the right person please contact Naomi Bennett on 021 026 00623 or email to
We always appreciate your help
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is an independent charitable organisation that ensures that ethnic migrants and former refugees settle and integrate well, and have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the wider community. Equally, we educate locals and newcomers from different ethnicities to understand each other, learn about and appreciate new Zealand's biculturalism, and the richness and benefits that a multicultural society brings. We advocate unity in diversity.
By becoming a supporter, you'll be helping us to carry out our mahi!
Your participation within our organisation makes the difference! Whatever your age or lifestyle, ethnic background or individual living situation, you can help to make the world a better place and influence the course of society. Your membership, collaboration, insights and/or kind donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work. Only a strong organisation that acts as the voice of many is capable of achieving our common goal! And only through increased funding, we will have the capacity to make this voice heard.
You can support us by becoming a member or simply giving a contribution towards our cause.

Are you an organisation or do you own a local business? You can support us by donating here:

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi -
With your basket and my basket the people will live!
Thanks to all our wonderful founders and sponsors.
Your support is kindly appreciated.