Kia ora
Despite challenges that the Covid19 environment continues to deliver, we have forged ahead with optimism in planning our summer festival events and other special projects. We have now opened up registrations for both Multicultural Festival and the Tasman Asian Night Food Fair 2022. We are also pleased to introduce Kara Fielding of Elevated Events, who will be the Multicultural Festival 2022 Event Coordinator.
We also thrilled to introduce our new Board member, Mahafrin Variava, who joined us in October. Mahafrin is a strong believer in the power of conversation, diversity and creating awareness about the very differences that unite us. We warmly welcome Mahafrin and know she will be a huge asset to MNT. Speaking of governance - we'd like to update you about our Strategic Planning day that takes place with Multicultural New Zealand representatives on Saturday, 27 November and we invite all community leaders/ interested parties in Nelson Tasman to join this hui. You can find more information further down.
As mentioned in our previous newsletter we partnered with the Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tahono (IACT) in October to host a hui focused on how individuals and organisations can work collaboratively and proactively to support diversity and unity and challenge racism and discrimination across the Nelson Tasman region. You can find out more about this work in the newsletter and there is an open invitation to those who want to progress this important mahi.
Our cross-cultural workshops continued under Level 2 protocols and it is heartening to see that there is a good demand for these and that many organisations increasingly understand the value and importance of cross cultural awareness.
The MYNTies elected their new office holders last week and the new team, together with other members are very excited to work towards making a positive impact on multicultural youth, while also engaging themselves in the community. They are happy to continue working on the three main areas: Education, Entertainment and Representation.
We held our second and third Multicultural Kai Class and Korero, including Moroccan cuisine with Latifa Daoui and Merouane Rahal presenting French cuisine - with small groups due to Level 2 restrictions. These events were hugely well-enjoyed by all, and we hope to continue to hold similar Kai and Korero classes with The Food Factory in 2022.
We hope you enjoy reading our updates and we look forward to hearing from you.
Keep in touch with us via Facebook or email to make sure you don't miss what is happening in our multicultural community!
Aroha mai, aroha atu
Love towards us, love going out from us
Registrations are open for Multicultural Festival 2022
The dates for our big events are already set for 2022.
The Multicultural Festival is locked in for Sunday March 20, 2022 at the new location of Founders Heritage Park.

Are you interested in participating?
Vendors registration:
Full Terms and Conditions
If you have any questions with regard to Vendors and Terms and Conditions, please contact Kara Fielding on
Performers Registration:
If you have any questions with regard to performers/entertainers please email Ramiesha on
Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for more updates!

Introducing Kara Fielding - Event Coordinator Multicultural Festival 2022
Elevated Events Ltd is a new Event Management Company based in the Top of the South. Kara is passionate about events and started the business so she could work alongside like-minded clients to help curate enriching events within the local community.
"I am so thrilled to assist Multicultural Nelson Tasman with the Multicultural Festival in 2022! This event is so important within the local ethnic community and it is a privilege to be a part of it".

You can contact Kara on for any inquiries about the Multicultural Festival 2022.
Tasman Asian Night Food Fair 2022 - Registrations for vendors and performers
Would you like to sell food or perform at the Tasman Asian Night Food Fair?
The registrations are now open for #TANFF22
Tasman Asian Night Food Fair - 12th February 2022, 4 pm- 9 pm at Washbourn Gardens, Richmond.

Vendor/performer registration:
Introducing Mahafrin Variava - our newest Board member
Mahafrin was born in India and raised in the UAE before moving to Aotearoa with her family in 2004. She is an Immigration and Employment Law specialist and speaks Hindi and Gujarati. Mahafrin joined the MNT Board in October 2021 and strongly believes in the power of conversation, diversity and creating awareness about the very differences that unite us.
She holds a passion for social justice and grassroot movements and within this, wishes to work towards creating a system where language and culture no longer create barriers to accessing legal services. By being on the MNT Board, Mahafrin hopes to develop a platform where promoting access to justice becomes a part of everyday practice with law enforcement agencies and legal service providers. In her mind, breaking down the barriers between those wishing to access services and those that provide it, is a key step in creating confidence and empowering migrants to access services when they need it. Overall, she’s excited about the prospect of supporting the MNT team with the various incredible projects and initiatives that they have in place to weave diversity into the fabric of Aotearoa.
We warmly welcome you on board Mahafrin!

Multicultural Kai Class and Koreros at the Food Factory continued!
Latifa Daoui presenting Moroccan cuisine
Here are some of the photos from the Moroccan Kai and Korero held on Saturday, 16 October.
Latifa taught everyone how to make a traditional meat and vegetable cous cous dish from scratch, and made and poured traditional mint tea as an accompaniment. Participants loved tasting the different dishes and sharing stories and we enjoyed hearing Latifa's settlement journey, and true 'culture shock' after landing in quiet Stoke some 15+ years ago - after being used to the hustle and bustle of her home city Casablanca.
Thanks Latifa for being such an amazing facilitator and gratitude to The Food Factory for providing us with a wonderful demonstration kitchen.
Merouane Rahal presenting French cuisine
Our third Kai and Korero was on Saturday, 6 November at the Food Factory. We learned how to prepare a chicken dish (and used local cider) with a potato galette and spring vegetables, plus Pic’s Peanut Butter-inspired crème caramel. It was such a good combination! We would like to thank Chef Merouane Rahal and Chef Mimi for their time and teaching us some amazing French cuisine.
Special thanks again to The Food Factory, and also Peckham's Cider for donating a beverage that added amazing flavours.
In partnership with The Food Factory, we look forward to continuing this wonderful initiative with different cuisines and cultural korero during the next year too. We hope you will be joining us!
Having the hard conversations... Racism in our region
Last month, 31 participants from a range of organisations took part in a half-day hui to look at how those in the region might work collaboratively and proactively to challenge racism and discrimination across the Nelson Tasman region.
The hui was organised by Multicultural Nelson Tasman and the Inclusive Aotearoa Collective Tahono and involved facilitated conversations to consider what was working well, where there were gaps and what opportunities there were to work together to foster more of a sense of belonging and inclusion.
Participants spoke openly about the ways that racism and discrimination were showing up across the region, ranging from blatant ‘in your face’ racism, through to bullying and harassment in schools, unconscious bias, as well as a general under-representation of diverse people at decision-making levels.
They also spoke about steps already being taken to counter racism and support inclusion and identified what was missing, plus what further work could be carried out to bring about positive change.
Just some of the opportunities identified included: more cultural diversity training (and making such programmes part of inductions for new staff), learning how to speak out against racism and to intervene safely when it happens, building more partnerships with local iwi to support diversity and inclusion (including powhiri for newcomers), more sharing of resources, strengthening our own capacity to do the work and taking advantage of blended learning opportunities such as can be found through the Te Hurihanganui initiative.
Following the hui, a written report of the collaborative conversations was produced by IACT facilitators Graeme Storer and Atarau Hamilton and distributed to all those present.
Going forward, Multicultural Nelson Tasman invites all those interested in furthering the work and suggested actions arising from the hui, to form a small working group to look at “what next” for this important mahi. If you would like to be involved, please email

Cross-cultural awareness and competence are increasingly important (and sought after) skills for the workplace and in general day-to-day interactions. In collaboration with our Cross-Cultural Awareness expert and workshop facilitator, Birte Becker-Steel, we have successfully delivered ten workshops this year to stakeholders, the most recent ones being the workshop for staff and volunteers at Victory Community Centre and Plunket and also the public workshop at the Fairfield House.
Get in touch with Ramiesha at if you are interested in organising a workshop for your organisation or if you would like to attend to one of our public workshops.
The 1-day workshop is a great opportunity and valuable source to:
- Understand the relationships between culture, cultural values, communication, relationships, and effective workplace interactions.
- Recognise differing cultural characteristics in yourself and others.
- Value workplace communication and relationship-building.
- Identify ways to further improve your intercultural communication skills.
We would like thank our sponsors, Ministry of Social Development, Department of Internal Affairs and Tasman District Council for making these workshops available and helping us to achieve our aim of "Unity in Diversity".
MNT Strategic Planning Hui - Community representatives are welcome!
On Saturday 27th November, Multicultural New Zealand representatives from Wellington will join with Multicultural Nelson Tasman for an important annual strategic planning day. The information we all share on this day will feed both into a wider national plan for Multicultural NZ, as well as our own local activities and work.
As a valued member of our community, we would like to invite all community leaders and representatives to take part in the morning session of the hui, to contribute your ideas and thoughts towards what our regional priorities should be as an organisation.
This meeting will take place from 9am - 12 noon at the Habitat for Humanity Hub (166 Tahunanui Drive) and then we would invite you to have lunch with us.
Please RSVP to if you would like to be a part of it!
New members to the MYNT committee
Since many of the MYNT members are leaving for higher studies, elections were held for new office holders. This new team includes:
Chair - Nikita Puri
Deputy Chair - Sakchi Niravia
Secretary - Om Maisuria
Social Media Coordinators - Esther Ribas and Niksha Patel
This new team is so excited to continue being a part of the Multicultural Youth Nelson Tasman and to share a passion for making Nelson-Tasman a paradise of unity for all young people.
That's MYNT @ Fresh FM by Nikita Puri
‘That’s MYNT!' is a radio show by the Multicultural Youth group of Nelson Tasman. We have started our show in October 2020 and since, want to entertain our community with a fun mix of interviews, music and chat. The show is broadcasting every Tuesday between 5 pm and 6 pm. Tune your radio to 104.8 (Nelson-Tasman)/ 107.2 (Nelson CBD)/ 88.9 (Blenheim)/ 95.0 (Eastern Golden Bay) or visit fresh fm net to listen to our Multicultural show.

We had an interview with Rachel Boyack, MP for Nelson last month. We had very interesting discussions with her such as the main goals and vision she has set to achieve ,like reducing the issue of finding affordable housing in the city. Rachel also shared the beautiful journey of her life even before she stepped in to politics. We also discussed how we can contribute towards making the multicultural residents of Nelson feel more close to home by showing them acceptance and warmth.

Nikita Puri (MYNT Chair) and Nelson MP Rachel Boyak
New Zealand Immigration
New 2021 Resident Visa Application Process

The 2021 Resident visa will be open for applications in two phases, with the first group of people able to apply from 1 December 2021.
From 1 December 2021 you can apply if:
- you have already applied for residence under the Skilled Migrant or Residence from Work categories on or before 29 September 2021, or
- you have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest, and have included your dependent child in the Expression of Interest aged 17 years or older on 29 September 2021.
From 1 March 2022 all other eligible applicants can apply, including all others who have submitted a Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest.
All applications must be made by 31 July 2022 and applications can only be submitted online.
As part of the online application process, Phase one applicants must enter their Skilled Migrant Category, Residence from Work application or Expression of Interest number before they can proceed with their application. The application number can only be used for one application.
For further information including visa conditions, fees and refunds and processing timeframes visit
Music Mix - A free music experience for all
To celebrate the coming Opera in the Park event in February 2022 Nelson City Council presents a series of fortnightly encounters with the world of music and musicians.
The first free MUSIC MIX session began last Saturday, 13th of November at 11am at the Victory Community Centre. Singing a variety of opera and musical numbers in different languages, Allison shared bits of opera history, funny anecdotes and singing techniques along the way, and even provided a group demonstration of vocal warm-up techniques.
Sponsored by Nelson City Council in association with Nelson Centre of Musical Arts and Multicultural Nelson Tasman, and supported by Rātā Foundation and Pomeroy's Coffee & Tea, upcoming Music Mix performances will feature the Nelson Youth Brass Band, NCMA Schola Musica with their 'Extreme Violins', the eastern flavoured music of “Klezoum" and many more.
Music Mix will run every fortnight through the summer (with a break over Christmas) and will feature a wide range of performers and instruments including the Nelson Youth Brass Band, NCMA Schola Musica with their 'Extreme Violins', the eastern flavoured music of “Klezoum" and many more.
Upcoming dates are:
27 November
11 December
15 January
29 January
12 February
Be sure to arrive early, as seats will be limited to comply with COVID-19 restrictions.

Free Immigration Advice from a Licensed Immigration Adviser
Sandrine Savarit, Licensed Immigration Adviser, continues to offer free, initial consultations for the general public from our MNT office at 159 Hardy Street. Sandrine will help people to find answers to their questions related to immigration matters and can also assist with immigration form-filling. Please get in touch with us by emailing: if you would like to book an appointment with Sandrine.

Latin America & Spain Film Festival 2021
LASFF is a cultural event dedicated to contemporary cinematographic productions from Latin America and Spain. It is also a non-profit event which aims to bring together Latin America, Spain and other New Zealand communities through the big screen.
All films / Todas las peliculas:
Book your ticket for FREE (essential):

For more information please visit
The 2nd Latin America & Spain Film Festival (LASFF) in Nelson was launched on Friday 22nd October at 7 pm at NMIT with karakia and speeches, including an appearance via Zoom by Francisco Berninzon, Secretary of the Peruvian Embassy, followed by a screening of the Peruvian documentary Pacificum.

Supporters include NelsonSon-Afro and Latin Dance, Nelson City Council, Multicultural Nelson Tasman, NMIT, the Nelson Regional Development Agency, Uniquely Nelson, ItsOn and New World.
Poutama Pounamu Blended Learning for 2022
Poutama Pounamu would like to invite you to their Blended Learning information hui where they will share learning platforms. Te Hurihanganui provides an opportunity to come together across Te Tauihu in 2022 and collectively build capacity.
Calling all whānau, rangatahi (Yrs 12/13), iwi partners, community members and educators who share a commitment to addressing racism, ensuring equity and improving outcomes for ākonga Māori and for all.

Date: Thursday 2nd December, 2021
Venue: Nelson Central School
First session: Thursday 3.30pm
Second session: Thursday 5.30pm
They will run the same session in two different time slots to enable as many as possible to attend.
For more information please visit:
The Nelson Tasman Settlement Forum (NTSF)
The Nelson Tasman Settlement Forum continues to meet 6-weekly at Victory Community Centre, and Multicultural Nelson Tasman has now taken on a secretariat role for the Group.
Most recently, the forum (which is comprised primarily of stakeholders from central and local government, education and NGOs), has been reviewing the Top of the South Cross Sector Action Plan, to see what has been accomplished over the past 2 years.
This action plan arose from a piece of research that MNT commissioned in 2018, to look into the needs and challenges of migrants and former refugees in the region. The detailed plan gave a list of 16 proposed actions, including the rationale behind them, their priority, which agencies could be involved, and an outcome or measure.
It has been encouraging to see some of the outcomes achieved and gaps that have been filled over the past couple of years. Reviewing the plan also enables the forum members to see what is still outstanding and what priorities may have changed across the settlement sector, particularly in light of Covid19.
Interpreting NZ
Casual task-based opportunity for people who can speak English and any one of the following languages.
Burmese, Cantonese Chin Hakha, Karenni, Kayan, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Mandarin, Samoan, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish
Contact: Sanam Mukhtar
Call/SMS: 022 412 0163
SPEAK OUT Nelson Tasman
MNT together with Community Law and Nelson Police work together to minimise racist incidents in our community. Speak Out Nelson Tasman (SONT) provides a user-friendly way to report racist incidents. Reports can be made by the victim, a witness or support person on behalf of the victim. Reporting of incidents is important whether or not the victim wants anything done about it as it provides important information to assist the police and other agencies regarding the extent of this problem and ways to address it.
Please do reach out to us if you have any concerns or would like to report anything.
Tel: 0508 (SPEAK OUT)
0508 773 256
For more info, go to our website
We always appreciate your help
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is an independent charitable organisation that ensures that ethnic migrants and former refugees settle and integrate well, and have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the wider community. Equally, we educate locals and newcomers from different ethnicities to understand each other, learn about and appreciate new Zealand's biculturalism, and the richness and benefits that a multicultural society brings. We advocate unity in diversity.
By becoming a supporter, you'll be helping us to carry out our mahi!
Your participation within our organisation makes the difference! Whatever your age or lifestyle, ethnic background or individual living situation, you can help to make the world a better place and influence the course of society. Your membership, collaboration, insights and/or kind donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work. Only a strong organisation that acts as the voice of many is capable of achieving our common goal! And only through increased funding, we will have the capacity to make this voice heard.
You can support us by becoming a member or simply giving a contribution towards our cause.

Are you an organisation or do you own a local business? You can support us by donating here:

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi -
With your basket and my basket the people will live!
Thanks to all our wonderful founders and sponsors.
Your support is kindly appreciated.