Kia ora
It's been a busy couple of months, but we now find ourselves happily settled into our new premises at 63 Collingwood Street - we have loved receiving more visitors than usual, and being able to host larger meetings - with a lot more space for our growing youth group.
May saw us enjoy a well-attended AGM, in which we were able to reflect on and showcase our activities over the past year or so, and appreciate that we had indeed achieved quite a bit, despite the challenges that the pandemic continued (and continues) to present to all.
With the excitement of the office move and the AGM over, we now concentrate on upcoming activities and further aspirations for the rest of the year, including continuing with cross-cultural awareness workshops, supporting our fabulous communities with their own projects, increasing a focus on anti-racism initiatives and seeing where else we can be making an impact to increase connections and foster 'unity in diversity'.
As we know, New Zealand's borders reopen to all tourist and visa holders from 11.59pm on 31 July. It's been a very strange 28 months without many migrants or even visitors coming to our country or region, and we know that many families who were painfully separated for a long time, are having joyful reunions.
We anticipate things will get busier in the second half of the year for those of us who work with newcomers and thus it's timely that MBIE-funded Welcoming Communities Coordinators are now in place for both Nelson and Tasman Councils. We look forward to working closely with Bill Huppler (NCC) and Birte Becker-Steel (Tasman) as they help to make their respective councils more welcoming. Congratulations to you both.
The Team at Multicultural Nelson Tasman.
"Diversity: The Art of Thinking Independently Together"
Malcolm Forbes
Multicultural Nelson Tasman AGM 2022
We held our AGM on Wednesday, 11 May at Habitat Hub for Humanity. It was great to reflect and look back at what we have completed over the past 14 months and to review and celebrate that as we move forward. Despite all the challenges over the past two years with Covid19, we were happy to report some positive impacts that could be made on our communities in the Nelson Tasman region. We had two guest performances from our Indonesian Community in Nelson and the Bhutanese Society in Nelson, which added more colour and life to our AGM. Thanks to IndoNelson for sponsoring some yummy sweets.
If you would like to read more about what we have done during the past year, please have a look at our Annual Report 2021
Next Cross-Cultural Awareness Workshop
The Nelson-Tasman region is home to people from many different ethnicities who live, work and volunteer together. In our increasingly mobile, globally connected world, the ability to understand the culture and culture-related behaviour is a core skill for successful personal as well as professional interactions.
Increase your Cultural Intelligence to be ready for life in a diverse society with our next Cross-Cultural Awareness Public Workshop on Friday, 17 June at the Fairfield House, Nelson.
In this one-day workshop you will
reflect on your own cultural identity and the impact of beliefs and values,
increase your knowledge about culturally related behaviour and gain insight into
cultural traits beyond confining stereotypes,
get to know models and tools to compare and understand cultures better,
learn about appropriate ways to communicate in different settings and minimize
Email to book your space now!
If you would also like to organise a separate internal workshop for your organisation please be in touch with us.
MNT meeting with Isel Ladies Probus Club
MNT and friends enjoyed a special morning sharing stories and backgrounds with Isel Ladies Probus club last Wednesday. It was a great opportunity to enhance cross-cultural dialogue and relationships, and learn more about those in our community.
Special thanks to our friends from Nelson Whakatū Muslim Association (NWMA), Aotearoa Latin American Community (ALAC) in Nelson and our Board member Maria Uhrle for sharing their stories. Thanks to IndoNelson for proving us with some yummy spring rolls to take along for morning tea.
Eid Celebrations with NWMA
Muslims all over New Zealand came together last month to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr after a whole month of fasting during the daylight hours. Nelson-Whakatū Muslim Association celebrated Eid at Saxton Oval with a gathering of whanau and friends from the wider community.. Thanks to NWMA for inviting Multicultural Nelson Tasman to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with their Muslim brothers and sisters, it was such a lovely day.
Meet us at our new office!
As you may already know, we moved to our new office at 3/63 Collingwood Street Nelson (between Medlab and Community Law) at the beginning of April. This is a more visible and spacious office and we have been receiving more visitors than ever. We would like to invite communities to use our space when they need somewhere to host meetings in town, or even do a bit of admin work.
With this shift, we also hope to expand our projects and services further to our migrant and former refugee communities, and also for newcomers in the region - with borders opening up again shortly for the first time in more than two years - we're expecting to see many more people requiring support and connections.
Free interpreting services for NGOs now available in Nelson Tasman
In 2018, a need for interpreters for NGOs was identified out of the research “Meeting the Needs of Newcomers” (former Refugees, Pasifika, Migrants) and added to the Cross-Sector Action Plan (2019), under the category of well-being. Recently, Multicultural Nelson Tasman and Interpreting New Zealand have worked together to successfully acquire funding from DIA that will now enable non-profit organisations to access free interpreters over the next year, as part of a pilot.
Whilst all government agencies and services have easy and fully-funded access to interpreters - this is not always the case for NGOs, who either often go without or are forced to resort to other less-desirable measures - including using family and friends to interpret.
The funding is available to eligible organisations across the whole of Te Tau Ihu/Top of the South. To register your organisation for this service, please fill in this form
NGOs and service providers will also be encouraged to join a short workshop on 'How to work with Interpreters' to ensure best practice and an effective use of the service.
Meeting with the EEO ( Equal Employment Opportunities) Commissioner
We were all very honoured to meet with the EEO Commissioner Saunoamaali'i Karanina Sumeo, and Human Rights Advisor Nid Satjipanon from New Zealand Human Rights Commission last month. It was a great kōrero and we were happy to give some input into the policies for the betterment of all people in the workforce: Work for Equal Employment Opportunities, Women's rights, and work exploitation/slavery to name a few.
Thanks for making time to visit us!
Multicultural Projections - TUKU22
A stunning visual display of images from past multicultural festivals in Nelson, teamed with art work from former refugee and migrant artists were projected onto a wall near the Nelson iSite during a week in May. This was brought to our community as part of Tuku22 Whakatū Heritage Months by Multicultural Nelson Tasman in collaboration with Cultural Conversations. With thanks to Nelson City Council and the technical and creative team - Klaasz Breukel, Lee Woodman, and Tim Cuff.
The projections may likely have another showing in June, so do check our facebook for updates on this.
Tauiwi Tautoko
In early April we started the 10-week "Tauiwi Tautoko" anti-racism programme off with a full day hui - commencing the training-up of a cohort of volunteers keen to learn how to challenge racialised online hate. Funded by InternetNZ, the programme aims to help people challenge and reverse negative racial stereotypes by supporting people to listen for understanding, find common ground and offer an alternative narrative. Tauiwi Tautoko facilitators Dr Emily Beausoleil and Hannah Komatsu flew to Nelson to join us for the opening hui, and will come back to Nelson next weekend to round the programme off in a closing workshop. Over the past two months, volunteers from Nelson have joined with others from around Aotearoa to attend a weekly 1.5 hour workshop, to hone their skills of intervening in often very toxic spaces (usually the comments section) online. We will aim to have more face-to-face workshops on how to be a good (anti-racist) ally during 2022 - watch this space!
That's MYNT @ Fresh FM
‘That’s MYNT!' is a radio show by the Multicultural Youth group of Nelson Tasman. We have started our show in October 2020 and since, want to entertain our community with a fun mix of interviews, music and chat. The show is broadcast every Tuesday between 5 pm and 6 pm. Tune your radio to 104.8 (Nelson-Tasman)/ 107.2 (Nelson CBD)/ 88.9 (Blenheim)/ 95.0 (Eastern Golden Bay) or visit fresh fm net to listen to our Multicultural show.
Nelson Newcomers Network
New to Nelson/Tasman region?
Join our network for informal social activities that take place on a regular basis.
Get-togethers that give you the opportunity to meet other newcomers, to share ideas and experiences, and to start new friendships.
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is coordinating this network under New Zealand Newcomers Network.
With borders opening SOON, we anticipate more newcomers to the region. We will be getting ready to welcome newcomers with more engaging activities and directing them to their interests. We are currently recruiting for volunteers to assist with the Network, and we look forward to introducing them to you in our next newsletter.
HOPE - Anita Kagaya's Solo Exhibition
Anita Kei Kagaya has reached new heights in collaborating with Refinery ArtSpace to launch her first art exhibition, HOPE.
The exhibition will be running from May 23- June 18 at the Refinery ArtSpace, Nelson.
If you are based in Nelson, don't forget to pop in and enjoy them!
Indonesia is here in Nelson!
IndoNelson is organising two events on Saturday, 11 June as a part of Tuku22 Whakatū Heritage Month.
The first event is a traditional and hands-on Batik Exhibition and Workshop. Batik is a traditional craft of creating beautiful patterns applied with wax on a fabric, and originates from Java, Indonesia. There are many examples and even meaning to different patterns of Batik. In this event, enjoy a hands-on experience for all participants to create hand-drawn batik on fabric to understand what elements are involved in the process with the help of a professional Batik artist. All materials and equipment will be provided and you may take your artwork home.
The second event is a Trip to Indonesia through palate and senses, which involves a traditional Indonesian dining and cultural experience - Tumpengan. It is one of the Indonesian arts of presenting multiple dishes on one tray with commonly the cone-shaped turmeric rice in the middle. The guests will be presented with various cuisines to enjoy different parts of Indonesia's delicacies from appetisers through to main course and desserts.
Victory Matariki Celebration and Lantern Hīkoi
Victory school and community performances, hot soup, a Hāngi, a Lantern Hīkoi along the Railway Reserve, Fire Poi, African drumming and more for the annual celebration of the Māori New Year.
Please bring your lantern or torch & wrap up warm. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We ask that people stay at home if they are feeling unwell.
The success of this event is only possible because of the help and enthusiasm of local people so if you would like to be involved, to volunteer, donate or sponsor the event please do get in touch. Give a call on 03 546 8389 or email
Approximate timeline:
3:10pm - Free soup for tamariki and whānau
3:50pm - 4:30pm VPS School Performances
4:30pm - 5:25pm Community Performances.
5:25pm - 6:20pm Hāngi to be served. ** Entertainment from the Fire Poi & African Drumming.
** Please note - The Hāngi is $5 per serving. There will be a vegetarian Hāngi option. Tickets will be available to purchase on the day.
The route for the Hīkoi is the same as last year, we will head south along Vanguard St from Victory Primary School then up on to the Railway Reserve. We will then head north back to the Community Centre. Stewards and First Aiders will be at several points along the route as well as accompanying us during the hikoi.
Latest Events From Cultural Conversations
SPEAK OUT Nelson Tasman
MNT together with Community Law and Nelson Police work together to minimise racist incidents in our community. Speak Out Nelson Tasman (SONT) provides a user-friendly way to report racist incidents. Reports can be made by the victim, a witness or support person on behalf of the victim. Reporting of incidents is important whether or not the victim wants anything done about it as it provides important information to assist the police and other agencies regarding the extent of this problem and ways to address it.
Please do reach out to us if you have any concerns or would like to report anything.
Tel: 0508 (SPEAK OUT)
0508 773 256
For more info, go to our website
We always appreciate your help
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is an independent charitable organisation that ensures that ethnic migrants and former refugees settle and integrate well, and have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the wider community. Equally, we educate locals and newcomers from different ethnicities to understand each other, learn about and appreciate new Zealand's biculturalism, and the richness and benefits that a multicultural society brings. We advocate unity in diversity.
By becoming a supporter, you'll be helping us to carry out our mahi!
Your participation within our organisation makes the difference! Whatever your age or lifestyle, ethnic background or individual living situation, you can help to make the world a better place and influence the course of society. Your membership, collaboration, insights and/or kind donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work. Only a strong organisation that acts as the voice of many is capable of achieving our common goal! And only through increased funding, we will have the capacity to make this voice heard.
You can support us by becoming a member or simply giving a contribution towards our cause.
Are you an organisation or do you own a local business? You can support us by donating here:
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi -
With your basket and my basket the people will live!
Thanks to all our wonderful founders and sponsors.
Your support is kindly appreciated.