Kia ora
As we prepare to publish our newsletter around the time of Race Relations Day (21 March), we reflect on this year's theme: ‘Whiria te muka tāngata – flourishing interwoven communities of Aotearoa New Zealand’. Despite the challenges that Omicron has brought, our small (but mighty) organisation continues to strive towards mahi and activities that indeed support this interweaving of communities, and towards our own treasured kaupapa of "Unity In Diversity".
No better an example of this 'unity in diversity' could be found on show than at the recent Multicultural Football Tournament - held on 19/20 March at Neale Park and a pretty good 'stand in' for our annual Multicultural Festival - an event which usually attracts several thousand and which could sadly not go ahead this year due to current Covid restrictions.
Ten teams took part in the tournament, some representing their countries, ethnicities or simply a diverse blend of friends, colleagues, Nelson city councillors and football fanatics. The tournament was extremely well-received and there is an appetite for this to be held again next year - watch this space! We hope that it will run in conjunction with our Multicultural Festival next year - allowing attendees to easily wander between the two events, and ensuring a huge spectator-base. More information and lovely photos from Debra Cole can be seen in this edition.
This month our hearts have, of course, been with members of our local Ukrainian community (and their Russian supporters), as we watch the horrors of Putin's invasion of Ukraine unfold from afar. In solidarity with Ukraine, Nelson City Council lit the clocktower in the colours of their flag, and similarly the bell tower at the Cathedral was lit in blue and yellow and a peace vigil held on Wednesday 16th. Mayor Rachel Reese also met with a small group from Nelson's Ukrainian community, who had the opportunity to voice their concerns, as well as receive a recorded video message from the Mayor to send to those who were back in Ukraine but had former connections to Nelson - many through the fishing industry.
A piece of work we are proud of bringing to the region very shortly is the anti-racism programme "Tauiwi Tautoko". We applied for and received funding from InternetNZ to enable us to roll out this programme for participants in Te Tau Ihu, and sign-ups are now coming in fast. It's highly encouraging to see how many individuals are keen to make a real difference in their community and in wider Aotearoa and to learn how to challenge the online hate that we are increasingly observing on the internet.
In other news - this month sees the end of our time in our modest offices upstairs at 159 Hardy Street, although a great location in many ways, much of our work has outgrown this space, and it's not fun (nor practical) to fit our youth group of 14 or more young people in an office measuring 3m by 4m (as for social distancing...!). Our new offices are next to Medlab in Collingwood Street (and next to Community Law) and will provide an open space that we will also invite communities to utilise - for their own committee meetings, appointments with embassy or consulate visitors, small workshops or a regular hot desk and a place to do some admin. Our space will be your space, or as they say in Spanish - 'mi casa es su casa'!
In the meantime, we hope that you all keep safe and well, as we look forward to emerging out the other side of Omicron.
The Team at Multicultural Nelson Tasman.
"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilisation"
Mahatma Gandhi (1925)
Multicultural Football Tournament 2022
Photography by Debra Cole
The long-awaited Multicultural Football Tournament was held last weekend 19 and 20 March at Neale Park, Nelson.
Altogether 10 teams played fast and furious 7 a-side games in the tournament and represented many cultures, ethnicities and some football clubs in the region.
The event was originally to be held with the 'finals' day coinciding with the Multicultural Festival, which was unfortunately cancelled due to red level settings under the Covid Protection Framework. However, we were happy that this opportunity was able to go ahead, and gave the communities a chance to showcase their "Unity in Diversity".
Chin Community 1 won the 'competitive' grade of the tournament with FC International being the runners-up. There was also a social grade category which was won by the Bhutanese team, with Latin Brothers being runners-up. The Team Spirit Award went to Botanics United (for their amazing age range of players and good spirit under pressure), the Golden Boot was jointly awarded to Vann Cenhrang of Chin Community 1 and Ethan Turner of FC International and the Most Valuable Player went to Labu Pan of Chin Community 1.

Winners Chin Team 1 with Marcelo Ribbas and Tim Skinner Photography by Deborah Cole
The event was very successful and enjoyed immensely by all those who took part. Thanks to all the individuals who came together from organisations including: Nelson City Council, Sport Tasman, Health Action Trust (CAYAD Nelson Tasman), Multicultural Nelson Tasman and FC Nelson (Ahmed Osman).
Thanks to William Qin at Q-Variety Store Nelson for generously sponsoring all cash prizes, Murray at Mitre10 Mega Nelson for the sausage sizzle, an amazingly refreshing drink station from Brandon and team at Kombucha Bros. Thank you also to Nelson City New World, Pics Peanut Butter, Nelson Regional Development Agency (NRDA), Top of the South Neighbourhood Support (TSNS), Cancer Society Nelson and Nelson City Council (Neighbourhood Projects Fund) for your support.
We also could not have done it without our volunteers, spectators and all those who participated to make this two-day event a resounding success!
Anti-Racism project "Tauiwi Tautoko"
Tackling racialised online hate is the key focus of a project rolling out in Nelson in a week, as Multicultural Nelson Tasman looks to train up a set of more 'thoughtful' keyboard warriors. We are seeking volunteers who wish to join the successful anti-racism project Tauiwi Tautoko, and to be trained and supported to challenge racialised online hate.
Being exposed to racism has serious negative effects on people’s health and wellbeing, and hateful and violent words can sometimes lead people to hateful and violent actions.
That is why it’s important for those not directly affected by racism to be part of the solution in promoting an inclusive multicultural society.
The programme will enable volunteers to:
- invite and facilitate more informed conversations about race and refugees
- to challenge and reverse negative racial stereotypes by listening for understanding, finding common ground and offering an alternative narrative
Starting on Saturday, 2 April, the programme involves a full-day in-person hui and a 10-week online training programme, where you will meet with facilitators and other volunteers for an hour each week.
For more information please visit our website and to register your interest, please email or phone (03) 539 0030.
You can also read more about the progamme and appprach here - as featured recently in Stuff.

We are moving our office!
We will be moving our office to 3/63 Collingwood Street Nelson (between Medlab and Community Law) from April 1 2022. This is a more visible and spacious office, and we'd like to invite communities to use our space when they need somewhere to host meetings in town, or even do a bit of admin work.

With this shift, we also hope to expand our projects and services further to our migrant and former refugee communities, and also for newcomers in the region. With borders opening up again shortly for the first time in two years - we're expecting to see many more people requiring support and connections.
Please feel free to come and visit us at our new office - we look forward to welcoming you!
Free interpreting services for NGOs now available in Nelson Tasman
In 2018, a need for interpreters for NGOs was identified out of the research “Meeting the Needs of Newcomers” (former Refugees, Pasifika, Migrants) and added to the Cross Sector Action Plan (2019), under the category of well-being. Recently, Multicultural Nelson Tasman and Interpreting New Zealand have worked together to successfully acquire funding from DIA that will now enable non-profit organisations to access free interpreters over the next year, as part of a pilot.
Whilst all government agencies and services have easy and fully-funded access to interpreters - this is not always the case for NGOs, who either often go without or are forced to resort to other less-desirable measures - including using family and friends to interpret.
The funding is available to eligible organisations across the whole of Te Tau Ihu/Top of the South. To register your organisation for this service, please fill in this form:
NGOs and service providers will also be encouraged to join a short workshop on 'How to work with Interpreters' to ensure best practice and an effective use of the service.
MNT Feedback to Project Kokiri - Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021 - 2031
Multicultural Nelson Tasman has honed in on the potential of an emerging multicultural economy in its recent feedback to the draft Nelson Tasman Regeneration 2021-2031 (Project Kōkiri). Recommending the multicultural economy as ‘spotlight on’ area, MNT noted ways that ethnic communities could contribute to some of the 35 projects proposed in the Regeneration Plan. Including attracting visitors to the region with vibrant festivals, support to ethnic food restaurants, regional ethnic products and art and a multi-purpose multicultural hub - offering help for an increas ing ethnically diverse workforce and for multicultural business development. Recommendations from MNT also include ensuring the plan for economic regeneration aligns with aspects of the Government’s Former Refugees, Recent Migrants and Ethnic Communities Employment Action Plan, and that the multicultural community is represented in the Project Kōkiri leadership team going forward. MNT Staff and Board members met with local MP Rachel Boyack this week to discuss feedback to the Plan and celebrate Race Relations Day.
Refugee Alliance in Nelson
Steering Group members from The Refugee Alliance will visit Nelson next week to talk to former refugees about their views on how the government could improve settlement outcomes for refugees. The members visiting Nelson on the 29th and 30th are: Dr. Zhiyan Basharati (Chair of Refugee Research Centre), Dr. Khurram Malik (Director of HOPE Worldwide-Pakistan), Gatluak Chuol (Settlement Services Manager at Asylum Seekers Support Trust), Rahmat Azimi (CEO of NZ National Refugee Youth Council)
The role of the Refugee Alliance is to strengthen the collaboration between NGOs, community groups and their allies to collectively advocate for high level policy and strategy changes at a government level. If people are unable to attend the Tuesday meeting at 4.30pm (as below), the Steering Group members are also able to make appointments to meet with people on Wednesday 30th. Please email them at for more information.
MYNT Online Art Competition
Multicultural Youth Nelson Tasman (MYNT) is holding an online art competition! 
The purpose of this competition is to reach out to youth by making a platform to share their stories/ideas/perceptions freely bringing forth hidden artists.
The theme of this Art Competition is " Embracing Diversity". Since the Multicultural Festival was cancelled this year due to COVID, the MYNTies wanted to do something exciting to engage the youth in the region for Race Relations Day 2022. As most of the outdoor activities are limited at the moment, the online art competition will be an opportunity to engage youth online.
Anyone between 13-20 years old can join the competition and the entries could be sent to MYNT's Facebook page, emailing or physical forms at our office.
MYNTies were super excited to join the paddleboarding session by Moana Paddle Nelson held last week. They mentioned it was a great experience and it was absolutely a good way to start the day keeping all the busy minds away for a moment and enjoying with friends.
That's MYNT @ Fresh FM
‘That’s MYNT!' is a radio show by the Multicultural Youth group of Nelson Tasman. We have started our show in October 2020 and since, want to entertain our community with a fun mix of interviews, music and chat. The show is broadcast every Tuesday between 5 pm and 6 pm. Tune your radio to 104.8 (Nelson-Tasman)/ 107.2 (Nelson CBD)/ 88.9 (Blenheim)/ 95.0 (Eastern Golden Bay) or visit fresh fm net to listen to our Multicultural show.
Nelson Newcomers Network
New to Nelson/Tasman region?
Join our network for informal social activities that take place on a regular basis.
Get-togethers that give you the opportunity to meet other newcomers, to share ideas and experiences, and to start new friendships.
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is coordinating this network under New Zealand Newcomers Network.
With borders opening and restrictions soon easing, we anticipate more newcomers to the region. We will be getting ready to welcome newcomers with more engaging activities and directing them to their interests. We are currently recruiting for volunteers to assist with the Network, and we look forward to introducing them to you in our next newsletter.

New English Conversation Group for EOSL speakers
NEW - English Conversation Group for ESOL speakers has started at Richmond Library. Spread the word!
Nelson Junior Badminton Training
A new badminton training group in Richmond has already started on 14 March. If you have any questions contact Ephraim at or on 021 167 2879
Interpreting NZ
Nelson Coordinator for Interpreting New Zealand has some emerging needs for interpreters who can speak the languages Burmese, Cantonese Chin Hakha, Karenni, Kayan, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Mandarin, Samoan, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Nepali, Farsi, Hindi and Sign Language.
This is a casual task-based opportunity for people who can speak English and any of the above-mentioned languages. Interpreting NZ will start calling applicants to receive free training and get enrolled to work as interpreters (subject to passing the assessments).
Please apply for the Nelson region by filling out an online form:
Contact: Sanam Mukhtar
Call/SMS: 022 412 0163
Contact: Sanam Mukhtar
Call/SMS: 022 412 0163
SPEAK OUT Nelson Tasman
MNT together with Community Law and Nelson Police work together to minimise racist incidents in our community. Speak Out Nelson Tasman (SONT) provides a user-friendly way to report racist incidents. Reports can be made by the victim, a witness or support person on behalf of the victim. Reporting of incidents is important whether or not the victim wants anything done about it as it provides important information to assist the police and other agencies regarding the extent of this problem and ways to address it.
Please do reach out to us if you have any concerns or would like to report anything.
Tel: 0508 (SPEAK OUT)
0508 773 256
For more info, go to our website
New Temporary Visa for family of Ukrainians in New Zealand
The 2022 Special Ukraine Visa allows Ukrainian New Zealanders to apply to bring family members still in Ukraine to New Zealand. Applications for the 2022 Special Ukraine Visa are open for 12 months from 15 March 2022. There are no fees for the application.
How to get the visa?
If you are a Ukrainian New Zealander you can sponsor family members in Ukraine to apply for the new temporary visa. You first need to complete an expression of interest (EOI) and nominate them. If you are in Ukraine, once your New Zealand family member has nominated you, you can apply for the visa. If you cannot apply yourself your New Zealand family member can apply on your behalf.
To know more about who can apply, who is eligible to sponsor and how to apply, please read further information on New Zealand Immigration website. :
New Zealand borders are reopening throughout 2022

Latest updates:
- From 11:59pm 12 April 2022, vaccinated Australian citizens and permanent residents can enter New Zealand and self-test on arrival.
- From 11:59pm 1 May 2022, vaccinated visitors from visa waiver countries, and visitors from other countries who already hold a valid visitor visa can enter New Zealand and self-test on arrival.
Who can enter New Zealand now?
The following people can enter New Zealand now from anywhere in the world and self-test on arrival.
- Vaccinated and unvaccinated New Zealand citizens
- Vaccinated New Zealand residents
- Vaccinated travellers with a border exception
- Vaccinated travellers on a working holiday scheme
- Other vaccinated eligible travellers under current border settings
To know more about who can enter New Zealand read
We always appreciate your help
Multicultural Nelson Tasman is an independent charitable organisation that ensures that ethnic migrants and former refugees settle and integrate well, and have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the wider community. Equally, we educate locals and newcomers from different ethnicities to understand each other, learn about and appreciate new Zealand's biculturalism, and the richness and benefits that a multicultural society brings. We advocate unity in diversity.
By becoming a supporter, you'll be helping us to carry out our mahi!
Your participation within our organisation makes the difference! Whatever your age or lifestyle, ethnic background or individual living situation, you can help to make the world a better place and influence the course of society. Your membership, collaboration, insights and/or kind donation will enable us to continue doing our vital work. Only a strong organisation that acts as the voice of many is capable of achieving our common goal! And only through increased funding, we will have the capacity to make this voice heard.
You can support us by becoming a member or simply giving a contribution towards our cause.

Are you an organisation or do you own a local business? You can support us by donating here:

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi -
With your basket and my basket the people will live!
Thanks to all our wonderful founders and sponsors.
Your support is kindly appreciated.