Awards & Recognition

Multicultural Nelson Tasman won the Neighbourhood Support New Zealand (NSNZ) Partner 2021 National Award which we were unable to accept in Wellington in person due to Alert Level changes. This was awarded to MNT on Tuesday, 28 September at the Greenmeadows Centre. We would like to thank Neighbourhood Support New Zealand and also Top of the South Neighbourhood Support for your appreciation. We look forward to more future collaboration.

Trust Power Community Awards 2014 Regional Commendation (Health & Wellbeing) awarded to the Nelson/Tasman Newcomers Network. Karen Darling, Coordinator of NZ Newcomers Network, Mike Greenawalt (Newcomers volunteer) and Evey McAuliffe, NMC Coordinator

Founding members of the Nelson Multicultural Council: Dr. Siri Wettasinghe, Mrs. Soma Wettasinghe, Mrs. Penny Molnar, Mr. Hein Kolff, Mrs. Marie Johnstone and Mrs. Margaret Belton celebrating 20 years since the founding of the Nelson Multicultural Council (formerly known as Nelson Multi- Ethnic Council) – 23rd November 2013 Mayor Richard Kempthorne, TDC presents NMC Co-ordinator, Evey McAuliffe and NMC Acting Chair, Baki Bakhshi with the award from the Human Rights Commission at the 20th Anniversary Celebration on 23rd November 2013

Mayor Richard Kempthorne, TDC presents NMC Co-ordinator, Evey McAuliffe and NMC Acting Chair, Baki Bakhshi with the award from the Human Rights Commission at the 20th Anniversary Celebration on 23rd November 2013

Governor-General Anand Satyanand & Race Relations Commissioner Joris de Bres presents the NZ Diversity Action award to Coordinator Evey McAuliffe August 2009, for Youth Empowerment DVD “Squish”.

Dayanira Bakhshi, Chairperson of the Nelson Multicultural Council opens the “World Language Collection” at Nelson Library on 18th August 2010

NZFMC meeting in Nelson (20-21 February 2010)

Andy Joseph at the official opening of the NMC Resource Centre

The Nelson Multi-Cultural Women’s Group celebrated their 3rd Year anniversary on 19th October 2009 at Fairfield House. Multicultural Youth Day at The New Hub on 8 October was a fun and informative event organised by NMC management committee members. A Nelson version of the Amazing Race, four teams of young people from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Myanmar and USA raced around the Nelson CBD finding out information about Nelson.

MC Youth Day at The New Hub on 8 October was a fun and informative event organised by NMC management committee members. A Nelson version of the Amazing Race, four teams of young people from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Myanmar and USA raced around the Nelson CBD finding out information about Nelson.

Hon. Pansy Wong M.P. Minister of Ethnic Affairs and Women’s Affairs Nelson2009. Sonny Alesana, David Cogger, Evey McAuliffe, Claire Nichols, Doug Adam,Gabrielle Humphreys, Cristy Aydon.